• Proven by science. Naturally.

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​Our purpose

We improve human health through beneficial microbiome bacteria, the effectiveness of which is:

Proven by science. Naturally

Our scientific approach

Microbiome dysbiosis as a centre of human health challenges

Randomised, double-blinded, placebo controlled studies

​Innovative and EBM products

Scientific approach of Nordic Biotic is supervised 
by Professor Bożena Cukrowska, MD, PhD

Our clinical studies are conducted by 

a professional team of 41 investigators

9 Professors with MD degrees    

28 Doctors with Ph.D. MD degrees

Qualified nurses

Microbiome dysbiosis as a center of human health challenges


ATP, Rhinitis, Asthma

Gastrointestinal diseases

IBS, collic, constipation, celiac

Metabolic diseases

Diabetes Type2, Obesity


Cholesterol management

Central Nervous System

Stress, anxiety, depression

Autoimmunization diseases

Multiple sclerosis and Diabetes Type1


Prevention and treatment


Viral and bacterial infections

As the probiotic market shifts to clinically tested solutions, Nordic Biotic leadsthe way. 

Nordic Biotic pioneers osteopenia, cholesterol management, iron absorption, constipation, and Hashimoto's solutions.

Our values

Innovation, growth & health focused company based on honesty, trust and open communication

​Meet our team

Professor Bożena Cukrowska, MD, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer (CSO)
Our scientific heart and brain and one of the best scientist in her field in Europe. She specialises in mucosal immunology, pathophysiology of gastrointestinal and allergic diseases as well as the importance of intestinal microbiota in the development of chronic non-infectious diseases.

She also has great achievements related to the use of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of food allergies in children (she is the co-author of the patent) and the introduction of new diagnostic methods in gastroenterology, hepatology and pediatric oncology. 

Małgorzata Tyx-Dąbkowska, MBA

Chief Operation Officer (COO)
Małgorzata is an experienced sales & marketing leader with great interest in science, graduated from microbiology graduate.

Her strong skills are strategic management and creating brands (one of the first OTX strategy creators). Pharmaceutical & food supplement market data has no secrets for her.

Michał Jakubowski, MBA

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Michał is an experienced sales & omnichannel  marketing leader, PR & Media specialist.

He is a creator of one of the most successful probiotic umbrella brand in Poland. His expertise covers R&D, portfolio, product, project and strategic management.

How we work

We identify probiotic actives
and prove the
safety and efficacy by science
We set up clinical studies
to demonstrate
efficacy for a supplement market in need
We manufacture
patent deposited probiotic raw material
Licence fee on products 
sold – being a % on sales